Riso Scotti Snack for the Italian National
Trust Fund and the Sites of the Heart

Riso Scotti Snack for the Italian National Trust Fund, to protect the Sites of the Heart

The Italian National Trust Fund has been acting since 1975 to protect the Italian heritage of art and nature, training and sensitizing people to the knowledge and respect, sharing the interests and requests by the civil society; supervising and actively intervening on the territory.

In short, it’s an indispensable institution for its and our future.

Riso Scotti Snack was fascinated and completely conquered by the seriousness and tenacity with which the sensitizing and protection projects have been executed: with the conviction of volunteers sinking their roots and strength in the values of tradition and love for beauty, health and fairness.
Through its work, the Fund voices the same spurs that every day move the activity of a little wide-ranging company with great ideas such as Riso Scotti Snack. So, the spark was triggered and since 2014, the company is a Corporate Golden Donor of the Fund.


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